Monday, June 2, 2008

jess white---something old----


Kate E. Maahs said...

jess. this one is really neat. i like how it is taken from low to the ground

Jeremy said...

Great scene set-up. I like that there is much to look at, but nothing overwhelming. Nice direct color scheme.

mike m. said...

when you have that much of the sky in your pictures do you find that you have to over expose according to your meter to get proper exposure of the foreground elements, since the sky is usually very bright in contrast?

Ms. White said...

a fellow photographer told me it's better to underexpose when shooting digital, that way you get as much detail as possible.... and then make adjustments with levels in photoshop!
if I was shooting film..... i would have probably over exposed a little then over developed my film a few extra minutes.... then printed through a filter or two..... but that's prehistoric isn't it!